Monday, March 05, 2007

No ordinary Monday/ "The due date is not a deadline"

So, today's my official due date. No baby yet. I've been surprised at how many people are surprised I haven't had the baby though the due date is some kind of last day to hand in a paper or something. Ever since I was 37 weeks people seemed to expect the baby to come anytime.

Well here I am, still plodding (or waddling) along looking like an egg with legs and arms! I read that of all the babies who are born 2 weeks late, only 1% show signs of being post-term. So it could still be a little while... My mother and I may still have some days to have some fun together going out and doing stuff when she gets here (tomorrow afternoon). And as I was telling my friend Stacy, now that I'm due I feel less obligated to "get things done" and more free to just chill out and enjoy these last special days of anticipation and pre-parenthood. There's lots of room for inner reflection and inner preparation. And a little nesting.

However, I have begun to feel that things are happening...twinges and aches that were not there before, gradually lasting longer, or intensifying from day to day. Pain that is strangely welcome, as it heralds the approach of the most momentous day of my life. Our dear Deacon Gregory had a dream that my baby was born on the 10th, and was a girl. The thought of that dream makes me happy. It feels like a good omen.

This is a good week. I woke up happy this morning...the way I used to feel as a kid when I woke up on my birthday...the way I felt when I woke up the day after Matthew and I started dating. Honestly, how many Monday mornings have felt that way?

Glory to God!

And good night. Need my pregnant beauty sleep.


elizabeth said...

that is so wonderful! praying for you and baby every day... :) and ur husband too of course...

Amy said...

Yes, get your sleep now, becasue once the baby comes all you'll want to do is stare at the beautiful child 24 hours a day. It's weird to think that you would foreit sleep just to stay awake and stare at something, but you will. Parenthood is a wonderfully strange thing!


Good luck with the labor and delivery - we are praying for you!

Mimi said...

I agree with Owen's Mama! Sleep now, and baby will come when ready!

I'm so excited and continued prayers.

myn said...

God Bless you and Matthew. I can't wait to hear all the details about the little Kumquat!