Saturday, February 03, 2007

More belly!

Here's how my belly looked last week.
Honestly, it's impossible to keep up.
I'm already even bigger!!!

Just four weeks to go till the due date.

Lord, have mercy!


RW said...

You look beautiful Cheryl!

How amazing to think this Pascha you will be three!

Mimi said...

Four weeks! Eeeeek! You look so fabulous!

elizabeth said...

cheryl. i am so happy for u and priveleged to have you as my friend... God has blessed me richly.

Anonymous said...

Wow Cheryl, you are amazingly big! It's a joy to see though.
You've never left my thoughts and prayers, and I'll be thinking about you even more in these next exciting weeks. I look forward to seeing the three of you at Pascha! All my love and best wishes,