Sunday, May 20, 2007

He done been dunked!

"As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ..."

"The servant of God John Samuel is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!"

"Grant unto me a robe of light,
O You who clothe Yourself with light as with a garment,
O Christ our God, plenteous in mercy!"


biss said...

God grant you many years!
I think it is wonderful that John's first food is the Eucharist! What an awe-inspiring blessing!

elizabeth said...

yes! wow. many many years. and to think i was there for the baptism. wow. such powerful, strong prayers! Thanks be to God!

many many years young small john samuel, newly illumined!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for such a beautiful boy so dedicated to Him! Thanks for posting the pics!

RW said...

God grant you all many years.
Thanks for sharing this moment with us.

Anonymous said...

God grant you all many year! Thank yoy for sharing the pictures so soon. God bless you and the sponsors. We miss you here and are sorry that we couldn't be there to see.

Amy said...

Those are great photos Cheryl! God bless you three!

V and E said...

To our friends, parents of the Kumquat:

We wanted to thank you for your gracious invite to John Samuel's baptism. We couldn't come - a fact that gave us much sorrow as we love you and are delighted with you and for you - but we thank you for the pictures and we give glory to God for bringing John Samuel into the fullness of His kingdom through baptism.

Glory be to God! Slava Bohu!

And what a beautiful baby.

In Christ,
V & E.

PS. Who is the child's patron Saint?

Mimi said...

Many, Many Years! What beautiful photos, I'm a bit teary.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos (naturally, since he's such a lovely little fellow)! Congratulations! I wish you all the joy in the world!

Anonymous said...

OK, that little John Samuel is just too calm. It was like he was just taking a bath!

Not a whimper, not a cry, just big happy smiles, at times!

Must have been the holy spirit cleaning him up. (as if he needs it)

We will keep you all in our prayers!